When did you first get involved with Dorchester Bay, and why?
I’ve been involved for over 25 years. Dorchester Bay was brought directly to my doorstep when [staff members] Elias and Ricky would knock on my door and call to get me to come to meetings. This interaction sparked my community involvement.
What roles have you served with Dorchester Bay?
I have been a board member for over 17 years. I serve as a chairperson for Resident and Community Engagement, have organized Arts in the Park, a Resident of CBTAO, and have joined several committees for the Fairmount Line, the Codman Square Initiative.
What does Dorchester Bay mean to you – why is it important to you, what is your favorite part about your involvement with the organization?
Dorchester Bay serves as the heart of this community. For the last 40 years DBEDC has built housing, supported small businesses, provided jobs, and given back to its residents. My favorite part is being about to bring the community together through events. Since the revamp of the building word has spread about DBEDC and what we do.
What are you excited about for Dorchester Bay’s future?
I’m excited about more affordable housing and the needs of the community being met.