
Increasing Access to Healthy Foods

For Immediate Release

Media Contact: Shira Burns
[email protected]

One year ago Dorchester Bay partnered with Fair Foods to increase access to healthy foods in the community. Residents can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at satellite locations for two dollars per bag through our food distribution program. Since launch, Dorchester Bay has distributed over 50,000 pounds of food through this initiative, expanding from one location at Dudley Village to include additional locations – Columbia Road and Quincy Heights.

To increase access, Dorchester Bay partnered with the Uphams Corner Health Center to provide 31 additional bags of fresh fruits and vegetables to patients suffering from chronic illnesses, and rolled out a special initiative to provide healthy foods to seniors and shut-in residents during the winter months.

Dorchester Bay is proud to collaborate with Let’s Get Healthy, Boston!. Through this partnership – and under the direction of Healthy Community Champions (HCCs) – we incentivized recycling by offering free fruits and vegetables in exchange for used grocery bags. Over 1100 bags have been recirculated under this program!

Interested residents are encouraged to stop by any one of our distribution centers:

Distribution Schedule
Dudley Village (590 Dudley St.) – Every Tuesday, 4:30-6 p.m.
Columbia Road (414 Columbia Road) – Every other Wednesday, 1-3 p.m.
Quincy Heights (233 Quincy Street) – Every Friday, 4-6 p.m.

For more information about the Dudley Village and Columbia Road locations, contact Ricky Guerra at (617) 825-4200, or [email protected]. For information about the Quincy Heights location, contact Elias Monteiro at (617) 615-2998, or [email protected].
